All Projects

First Steps

Contextual Research

Comparitive Analysis

User Testing

User Requirements & Task Analysis

Task maps & user flows were used to help us determine which UIs made the most sense to use in the final design.

We began by analyzing & assessing the requirements of our users.

Features were prioritized by aligning business requirements with user goals.

User Flows

We broke down tasks that host users would need to complete in order for them to set up, initiate, run, & end a meeting...

We also assessed the corresponding tasks participant users would need to complete in order for them to receive meeting invites, accept, & join meetings.

Sketching &
Rapid Prototyping

Sketching for ideation purposes was done throughout the project. This method of rapid prototyping helped me to assess user requirements & tasks, develop user flows, & determine my final screens

Final Mockups & Prototype

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